Convert Food Into Energy in CastleVille
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If you are a regular player of CastleVille Game then you may know about this trick that "How easily you can convert food into Energy". We know playing CastleVille we need unlimited energy because it consume all the time as per game requirement. So, below is a tip for you.
Below is the Official announcement from Zynga.
"Use the energy of Jacques distributor for more energy islands. A machine designed to turn chowder into pure energy "Prepare soups creamy clam to get more energy islands with the energy distributor. Click on the distributor of energy on the last island to get more energy from the islands. "
To make a chowder you will need:
Clams 6 + 6 + 6 bottles of milk + eggs 10 carrots!
Each chowder will earn you 2 FREE energy
Below are pictures of soup and distributor:

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